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We are a group of individuals, government officials, and organizations throughout Cumberland County who have a vested interest in the wellbeing of our returning citizens. We meet via Zoom once a month to discuss ways in which we can provide support to returning citizens.


What is Reentry?


The Executive Committee

Co-Chair: John Arkon

Co-Chair: Theresa Rice

Meta Bowman

Marsha Curry-Nixon

Gale du Pont

Ashley Ferguson

Kerry Houser

Autumn Karper

Misty Solorio



The Community Resources Committee

The Community Resources Subcommittee has worked with PA211 to update entries for resources/agencies in Cumberland County.  The Subcommittee has also worked with PA 211 to ensure all information pertaining to returning citizens is up to date and being maintained.  Our Subcommittee was able to develop a Pocket Guide of resources for returning citizens to keep on hand.  It is a one-page paper that contains information on all the basic needs and services an individual might need when returning to the community. Most recently, our subcommittee delivered a survey to all currently incarcerated individuals in CCP to determine the needs of individuals when they return to the community. The results of the survey are being reviewed by the Data Committee.   Our next goal is to send a survey to the individuals at SCI-Camp Hill to ensure the Coalition is meeting the needs of all returning citizens in Cumberland County. Our Subcommittee also invites a local service agency that offers resources to returning citizens to each Coalition meeting to give a brief presentation on their programs/services.


The Data Committee

The Data Committee was originally created as part of the Strategic Plan to gather incarceration and recidivism data. At this juncture the committee addresses specific projects that require collecting and processing data. Currently, they are working with data from surveys that were completed in the Cumberland County Prison.


The Education Committee

The Education Subcommittee is made up of representatives from agencies providing services to returning citizens, the faith community, law enforcement, and returning citizens. The committee is responsible for maintaining the website for the Cumberland County Re-entry Coalition. The Committee develops programs to educate the community on the Re-entry Coalition, the barriers returning citizens face when re-entering society, and how the community can provide support to returning citizens. Programs are tailored to specific community groups whose interaction with returning citizens may impact their success. These community groups are landlords, employers, law enforcement, and the faith community. Programs are also available for schools to increase awareness to students of the consequences of their choices. Program facilitators include both those who have and have not served time in prison so that attendees can gain understanding of re-entry from different perspectives.

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